Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Twenty-first Journalism is now blogging? Can this actually be a true statement? Many would say yes and others will agree that blogging is just an easier way "so-called Journalist" can put out their ideas and views on subjects and situations. Today Journalism has taken a new aspect of not to be done on newspapers nor magazines, but it has been published on the internet where many people spend their time. Blogs allow the freedom of people to write whatever they want, the truth, the lies, or their opinion on others works or yet it’s a way of expressing itself. The issue with blogging is that we the readers are not sure whether the Blogs we are reading is a factual piece of work or it’s just one person’s thoughts.
Michael Skube is one man who despises blogging saying it’s a "noisy with disputation and becoming hatred of enemies real and imagined." He can’t seem to understand why bloggers are writing for free, when Journalists who write, have been paid for their work. Michael Skube is furious with that facts that even though bloggers are writing for free, yet they are writing whatever they want too without having to follow what editors and publishers telling them to write. He feels that bloggers have more freedom and are taking away from the Journalists who spend their time doing researching, analyzing and actual work. The Journalists are feeling that blogging is not valid way of going about writing about issues and political views, yet it has been done. Michael Skube fears that the information that is getting out is not the truth, but it is more opinion based, than factual information.
Both Michael Skube and Andrew Sullivan have different intakes on blogging. Michael Skube is a Journalist for the Los Angeles Times. Then there is Andrew Sullivan who is also a Journalist but also he is a blogger. Andrew Sullivan in a sense feels that blogging is better, more important in the sense that it’s his thoughts and feelings, more of one stating his or her opinion. Michael Skube feels blogging is not the way to go, it is just taking away from Journalism because the works that are written are not factual based it is all opinion. Both Andrew Sullivan and Michael Skube both disagree on that fact that one thinks Blogging is good, they both agree that blogging is all about peoples feelings and opinions.
Both articles have different views and both writers have a lot of information to back up their arguments. But I would agree with Andrew Sullivan. Blogging is a more excited and new way to express works and views about situations. Also I think most people today spends a lot of time on the internet rather than reading a newspaper or a magazine. Therefore blogging will be more open to the people to read rather than newspapers and magazines. The writing of Blogs would be stronger because blogging is more of a person’s thoughts and feeling. Even though blogging is not based on facts, sometimes people would find opinions of others more fascinating and amusing rather than reading about the actual facts.

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