The internet is an online source where, people can get almost any type of information need for them. The internet is like a mother for you when doing research for information, but in actuality is it making us Stupid. In the opinion of Nicholas Carr the writer of the article Is Goggle Making Us Stupid? , Is saying that because of the internet "deep reading used to come naturally has become a struggle"which he is basically saying those reading long passages like two or three pages use to be the thing of the past, because of the internet he lost the interest in reading? I disagree with Nicholas Carr opinion you can’t blame the internet for your lack of reading and understanding, just because the internet is there does not mean you have to let it run your life and let it established the type of reader you become. The internet is a privilege to explore new information, and it should be used a source to help you, not to make you "stupider."
In the article The Internet Is No Substitute for the Dying Newspaper Industry by Chris Hedges, Hedges made some points that I agree with him but also I disagree. He is talking like the internet will end civilization like really!, I don’t think it’s that serious. Although everyone today basically has some type of online access, which means that almost everyone turns to the internet and does not need to buy an newspaper to get information. The internet is taking the place of the newspapers is the point which I agree with Hedges, because the newspaper industries are losing money. Soon newspaper wont be around any more because they would not be needed and everyone that has a job working for newspaper companies would lose their job. I could understand that he fears that people would lose their jobs, but would the internet really hurt us. If the internet makes us so mindless and makes our reading skills get demolished, do you that it would be public to us. I think Hedges has been a little dramatic with the idea that the lack of newspaper would end the world, it won’t, we’ll find some way to get over it. But just like Nicholas Carr, I don’t agree the internet is taking away from our reading skills. If a person wants to read novel or an article sometimes it could be done online, I don’t see the problem with idea reading it on a screen or actually holding it in your hand. I think it’s all up to the person and their mind. If you want to become a better reader, all you have to do is put the time, effort and don’t be lazy and you will benefit from it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Onion Reviews
One of the news article talks about former President Bush, just relaxing on his porch thinking about how he served as President for the United States for almost a decade. The article is trying to say now that former President Bush is relaxing and enjoy his life after having done all the damage while he was in power. The article is mocking President Bush, how he is remeber all he did in the past 8 years he serve as President and what he did.
I also viewed a video which i thought was hilarious. The video is talking about September 11th and how it is a day for people to think about the ones who past, therefore in honor they would not Masturbate when going home. Check it out
I also viewed a video which i thought was hilarious. The video is talking about September 11th and how it is a day for people to think about the ones who past, therefore in honor they would not Masturbate when going home. Check it out
Student Takes Cocaine to School, Mistaken for Candy ?
Queens - Young Joseph Eps Jr. 4 years old, gave his friends cocaine at Shirwinds Public School, when told by his father it was just candy. On Friday, September 18th Joseph Eps Senior was seen taken out in handcuffs from his apartment on Pine Hill Drive, after been busted for possession and dealings of cocaine and obtaining a gun without a license.
" This is absurd and ridiculous behavior from my point of view" 43-year-old Rob Goldstein, fathers of Jason Goldstein who is a friend of Eps Jr and also a personal friend of Joseph Eps Senior. "I’ve known them for a while, but I would never expect this to have happened."
After going to school with the cocaine in his book bag to share with his friends, Mrs. Gorden said she saw the strange looking package been taken out of Joseph’s book bag, ready and eager to share with his friends. When asked by Mrs. Gorden to Joseph "What you got
there ?" Joseph replied "Oh Mrs. Gorden it’s just candy my dad gave to me." As Mrs. Gorden asks Joseph to see what the strange package was only then she realize it was cocaine. Mrs. Gorden then called the main offices who send security guards who took the package of cocaine and along with Joseph Jr and called the police.
there ?" Joseph replied "Oh Mrs. Gorden it’s just candy my dad gave to me." As Mrs. Gorden asks Joseph to see what the strange package was only then she realize it was cocaine. Mrs. Gorden then called the main offices who send security guards who took the package of cocaine and along with Joseph Jr and called the police.
Oblivious to what is going on, Joseph Jr was scared and frighten by the police, when he was questioned about, where he had got the cocaine from. Which was only then that the police, sent for Joseph Sr. at his apartment. Joseph Senior pleaded that Joseph Jr is the only thing he has left on this earth, after his wife died in a car crash two years back. He said "I only started to use cocaine to help myself relieve pain from the death of my wife and not to give to kids, Im sorry." Joseph Eps Jr was said to live with his grandparents, while his father’s case has been set to be trial next week.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Twenty-first Journalism is now blogging? Can this actually be a true statement? Many would say yes and others will agree that blogging is just an easier way "so-called Journalist" can put out their ideas and views on subjects and situations. Today Journalism has taken a new aspect of not to be done on newspapers nor magazines, but it has been published on the internet where many people spend their time. Blogs allow the freedom of people to write whatever they want, the truth, the lies, or their opinion on others works or yet it’s a way of expressing itself. The issue with blogging is that we the readers are not sure whether the Blogs we are reading is a factual piece of work or it’s just one person’s thoughts.
Michael Skube is one man who despises blogging saying it’s a "noisy with disputation and becoming hatred of enemies real and imagined." He can’t seem to understand why bloggers are writing for free, when Journalists who write, have been paid for their work. Michael Skube is furious with that facts that even though bloggers are writing for free, yet they are writing whatever they want too without having to follow what editors and publishers telling them to write. He feels that bloggers have more freedom and are taking away from the Journalists who spend their time doing researching, analyzing and actual work. The Journalists are feeling that blogging is not valid way of going about writing about issues and political views, yet it has been done. Michael Skube fears that the information that is getting out is not the truth, but it is more opinion based, than factual information.
Both Michael Skube and Andrew Sullivan have different intakes on blogging. Michael Skube is a Journalist for the Los Angeles Times. Then there is Andrew Sullivan who is also a Journalist but also he is a blogger. Andrew Sullivan in a sense feels that blogging is better, more important in the sense that it’s his thoughts and feelings, more of one stating his or her opinion. Michael Skube feels blogging is not the way to go, it is just taking away from Journalism because the works that are written are not factual based it is all opinion. Both Andrew Sullivan and Michael Skube both disagree on that fact that one thinks Blogging is good, they both agree that blogging is all about peoples feelings and opinions.
Both articles have different views and both writers have a lot of information to back up their arguments. But I would agree with Andrew Sullivan. Blogging is a more excited and new way to express works and views about situations. Also I think most people today spends a lot of time on the internet rather than reading a newspaper or a magazine. Therefore blogging will be more open to the people to read rather than newspapers and magazines. The writing of Blogs would be stronger because blogging is more of a person’s thoughts and feeling. Even though blogging is not based on facts, sometimes people would find opinions of others more fascinating and amusing rather than reading about the actual facts.
Michael Skube is one man who despises blogging saying it’s a "noisy with disputation and becoming hatred of enemies real and imagined." He can’t seem to understand why bloggers are writing for free, when Journalists who write, have been paid for their work. Michael Skube is furious with that facts that even though bloggers are writing for free, yet they are writing whatever they want too without having to follow what editors and publishers telling them to write. He feels that bloggers have more freedom and are taking away from the Journalists who spend their time doing researching, analyzing and actual work. The Journalists are feeling that blogging is not valid way of going about writing about issues and political views, yet it has been done. Michael Skube fears that the information that is getting out is not the truth, but it is more opinion based, than factual information.
Both Michael Skube and Andrew Sullivan have different intakes on blogging. Michael Skube is a Journalist for the Los Angeles Times. Then there is Andrew Sullivan who is also a Journalist but also he is a blogger. Andrew Sullivan in a sense feels that blogging is better, more important in the sense that it’s his thoughts and feelings, more of one stating his or her opinion. Michael Skube feels blogging is not the way to go, it is just taking away from Journalism because the works that are written are not factual based it is all opinion. Both Andrew Sullivan and Michael Skube both disagree on that fact that one thinks Blogging is good, they both agree that blogging is all about peoples feelings and opinions.
Both articles have different views and both writers have a lot of information to back up their arguments. But I would agree with Andrew Sullivan. Blogging is a more excited and new way to express works and views about situations. Also I think most people today spends a lot of time on the internet rather than reading a newspaper or a magazine. Therefore blogging will be more open to the people to read rather than newspapers and magazines. The writing of Blogs would be stronger because blogging is more of a person’s thoughts and feeling. Even though blogging is not based on facts, sometimes people would find opinions of others more fascinating and amusing rather than reading about the actual facts.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Richmond Hill

Queens is a borough of New York City and it is most famous for a place of many cultures, and it’s diversity of people. All most anything in the world you can ever desire, you will surely find it in Queens. Queens is made up of every culture, it is not primarily dominated by one group of people or one only type of religion. A part of Queens called Richmond Hill is place where I like to call my home. Richmond Hill is the neighborhood that I have live in for my entire life. Richmond Hill is located in the central-southern part of Queens.
Through the past years have taken many changes and from time to time it has been occupied by varies of different cultures. The first types of people that were originally there were many German, Italian, and Irish families. Currently Richmond Hill is populated by the Asian Americans and Caribbean Americans. Around the area in which I live, there are many Guyanese and Trinidadian who have settle here and have kept and followed their religious cultures when migrated to their home.
Richmond Hill is place where there are a lot of middle class working families. There are all different kinds of small businesses that are open around Richmond Hill. In the past there has been a rivalry between two high schools that serves the community. One of them is named John Adams High School which is where I had attend and the other is Richmond Hill High School. Both of the schools are always in competition with sports. There were some stories that I have
heard where the kids after school would get together and come to each other schools and it would be like a war. Today both schools are not as bad as they were but back in day, but they are still competition with each other.
Through the past years have taken many changes and from time to time it has been occupied by varies of different cultures. The first types of people that were originally there were many German, Italian, and Irish families. Currently Richmond Hill is populated by the Asian Americans and Caribbean Americans. Around the area in which I live, there are many Guyanese and Trinidadian who have settle here and have kept and followed their religious cultures when migrated to their home.
Richmond Hill is place where there are a lot of middle class working families. There are all different kinds of small businesses that are open around Richmond Hill. In the past there has been a rivalry between two high schools that serves the community. One of them is named John Adams High School which is where I had attend and the other is Richmond Hill High School. Both of the schools are always in competition with sports. There were some stories that I have

A famous place that I would like to talk about that is partly located in Richmond Hill is called Liberty Ave. Liberty Avenue as many people would refer to it as"coolie vile"does not only have a lot of Indian people but also, Liberty Avenue is one of the most diverse places in Queens. The place has a wide range of West Indian Cuisines, with a mixture of some Spanish, Jamaican, and Chinese restaurants. Also there the fast food places, which attracts the attention of a lot of young kids. It’s like a mini shopping area where you can get a wide variety of all clothing and all essential necessitates.
Liberty Avenue is known for the place which allows the Phagwah parade. Phagwah which is also refers to as Holi, is the celebration of the festival of colors. Talking from experience, every year I attend the parade and it was one the biggest celebration that is held in Richmond Hill. Mainly the festival started in India which the Guyanese and Trinidadian’s have adopted the culture. Thousands and thousands of pe
ople from around the five boroughs and even from different states, all gather for this one day.
Phagwah is always a Sunday in the month of March, people come to view this wonderful experience. At the parade many people from other cultures and different ethnic backgrounds, have taken part. Every year I look forward for this event because it is a lot of fun; after the parade we go to the neighborhood park which is named Smokey Park and everyone plays around with different colors of powder. Also at the park you meet different people and old friends that you haven’t seen in a while. I remember one year my entire family and friends went to the park. That was the best year because it was such a memorable moment, and we had a lot of fun.

Phagwah is always a Sunday in the month of March, people come to view this wonderful experience. At the parade many people from other cultures and different ethnic backgrounds, have taken part. Every year I look forward for this event because it is a lot of fun; after the parade we go to the neighborhood park which is named Smokey Park and everyone plays around with different colors of powder. Also at the park you meet different people and old friends that you haven’t seen in a while. I remember one year my entire family and friends went to the park. That was the best year because it was such a memorable moment, and we had a lot of fun.

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